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Selected Bibliography

Fascism, Italy and Istria, papers


         Ashbrook J E                  “Istria Is Ours and We Can Prove It:” an examination of Istrian

                                                         Historiography in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.

                                                                       The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies

                                                                       Number 1707, May 2006.

          Balligner, Pamela          History in Exile: Memory and Identity at the Borders of the Balkans

                                                                       Princeton University Press, 2003

          Cresciani Gianfranco   A Clash of Civilizations? The Slovene and Italian Minorities and the 

                                                       Problem of Trieste. 

                                                                       Italian Historical Society Journal Volume 12 #2 July/December                                                                                       2004


Fascism, Italy and Istria, books


            Bayne-Jardine C C         Mussolini and Italy

                                                                       Longman 1966 

            Benson, Leslie                Yugoslavia a concise history

                                                                       Palgrave 2001

            Cresciani Gianfranco    Trieste Goes to Australia.

                                                                      Padana Press 2011

            Duggan C                       The Force of Destiny

                                                                       Penguin 2008

                                                    Fascist Voices

                                                                       Vintage Books 2013 

            Holbach M                     Dalmatia, the Land Where East Meets West

                                                                       The Bodley Head, London 1910

           Sassoon, Donald.            Mussolini and the Rise of Fascism

                                                                       Harper Press, 2007

           Morris, Jan.                     Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere

                                                                        Faber and Faber, 2001

           Pahor, Boris                    Necropolis

                                                                        Dalkey Archive Press, 2010     

                                                    Piazza Oberdan

                                                                       Kitab, Vienna 2009           

           Saraval, Dino and Tosolin, Bruno.

                                                    Cittanova D’stria Nel Ricordo Dei Suoi Abitanti

                                                                       Fameia Cittanovese Unione Degli Istriani, 1989

           Sluga, Glenda                 The Problem of Trieste and the Italo-Yugoslav Border.

                                                                      SUNY Press 2001           


           RHR                                 Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia and Montenegro, 1875

                                                                       British Library, Historical Print Editions   

           Strangford, Emily Anne Beaufort Smythe 

                                                     The Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 1863.

                                                                       Richard Bentley, London 1864





            Buchheim, Lothar-Güther 

                                                        Das Boot

                                                                       Piper Verlag GmbH, Munich 1973 (Cassell 1999)

            Compton-Hill Richard

                                                        Submarines at War 1914-1918

                                                                       Periscope Publishing Ltd., 2004

            Hood, Jean                         Submarine

                                                                       Conway, Anova Books Company, London, 2007

           Taylor, Floyd                      A Dollar for Every Dive

                                                                   Popular Mechanics

           Werner, Herbert A.           Iron Coffins

                                                                       Cassell Military Paperbacks 1999

Old fashioned Novigrad_edited.jpg



Batinić, Jelena: Women and Yugoslav Partisans    Cambridge University Press 2015


Barnett, Neil:  Tito   Haus Publishing Ltd, 2006.


Booker, Malcom   Conflict in the Balkans Catalyst Press, Sydney 1994


Catherwood, Christopher: Churchill and Tito  Frontline Books 2017


Davidson, Basil: Partisan Picture   Bedford Books 1946


Deakin, FWD: The Embattled Mountain   Oxford University Press  1971


De Majnik, John:  Diary of a Submariner    Asgard Press, 1996


Duggan, Christopher:  Fascist Voices    Vintage Books, 2013


Freivogel Z and Rastelli A: Adriatic Naval War   Despot Infinitus, Zagreb, 2015      


Gilbert, Martin: Churchill    Paul Hamlyn, Ltd 1980


Glenny, Misha: The Balkans  1804 - 2012   Penguin books 1999


Fast, Howard: Tito   Open Road Media, 2011


Kovačić, Ivan Goran: The Pit     Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb 1961


Maclean, Fitzroy: The Heretic: the life and times of Josip Broz-Tito. Harley and  

                               Brothers NY, 1957 (Published in the UK as Disputed Barricade)

                              : Eastern Approaches, Penguin Books 1991


Milton, Giles:  The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare   2016 John Murray


Paterson, Michael, Voices of the Codebreakers  David and Charles Ltd 2007


PO ŠUMAMA I GORAMA, poems of the fighters of the National Liberation War. Zagreb, 1952


RHR Rambles in Istria London 1875


Sebag- Montefiore Hugh:  Enigma    2000 John Wiley and Sons New Jersey


Stillman, Edmund The Balkans. Life World Library. 1966


Strangford, Emily Anne Beaufort Smythe  The Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 1863.

                                         Richard Bentley, London 1864

Tanner, Marcus:  Croatia  Yale University Press, fourth edition 2019


Two interesting articles among many:


American ambassador during the invasion and bombing of Belgrade.

Agent radio operation during World War 2

Also recommended:

Lawrence, Christie       Irregular Adventure

                                      Faber and Faber 1947

Milazzo, MJ                  The Chetnik Movement and the Yugoslav Resistance

                                      The John Hopkins University Press, 1975  

Essential reading:

Hubert Butler                Balkan Essays

                                      The Irish Pages Press 2016     


2019  Margaret Walker

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